Jenkins World 2017 has ended
Tuesday, August 29 • 8:30am - 12:30pm
Introduction to Jenkins - FREE

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This training is an introduction to Jenkins and its environment. Learn how to easily create pipelines while putting in place best practices for continuous integration and continuous delivery. Learn how to get help from and contribute back to the Jenkins community.

Following an overview of the Jenkins ecosystem and community, we will cover key concepts and tools related to continuous integration and continuous delivery, such as: source code management, build, test and deployment. The core part of the training will be based on practical examples of pipeline creation, using Jenkins’ Blue Ocean Visual Pipeline Editor. We will also leverage other key components of Blue Ocean such as pipeline visualization, troubleshooting and personalization. We will conclude this training with a more advanced section, introducing the powerful concept of Declarative Pipeline syntax and how it enables everyone in DevOps, regardless of expertise, to participate in the continuous delivery process.

avatar for Patrick Wolf

Patrick Wolf

Director of Product Management, CloudBees
Patrick is part of the product management team at CloudBees and is dedicated to making Jenkins the most kick-ass open source tool on the market.

Tuesday August 29, 2017 8:30am - 12:30pm PDT
Salon 14-15